African Music and Dance Ensemble Levels 1-3 —MUEN 2690, 3690, & 4690—Spring 2023
Thu. Jan 19, 2023 - Tue. May 2, 2023 (15 weeks)
Every Tuesday, Thursday from 5:45 PM to 7:05 PM
For all classes:
Combined with MUEN 2690-001, MUEN 3690-001, MUEN 4690-001
Practicum Required
Credits: 2
Instructor: Michelle Kisliuk,
African Music and Dance Ensemble Level 1-MUEN 2690
A practical, hands-on course focusing on several music/dance forms from West Africa (Ghana, Togo) and Central Africa (BaAka), with the intention of performing during and at the end of the semester. Traditions include drumming, dancing, and singing. Concentration, practice, and faithful attendance are required. May be repeated for credit.
African Music and Dance Ensemble Level 2-MUEN 3690
Practical, hands-on course focusing on several music/dance forms from West Africa (Ghana, Togo) and Central Africa (BaAka pygmies). No previous experience with music or dance is necessary. Students seeking the co-requisite for MUSI 3090 should sign up for MUSI 3690. May be repeated for credit.
African Music and Dance Ensemble Level 3-MUEN 4690
Third level of proficiency in several music/dance forms from West Africa (Ghana, Togo) and Central Africa (BaAka pygmies). Performances during and at the end of the semester. Students develop a leadership role and proficiency in drumming, dancing, singing. and in ensemble dynamics. Students seeking the co-requisite for MUSI 3090 should sign up for MUSI 3690. May be repeated for credit.
If enrolled in Musi 3090, must enroll in MUEN 3690 or MUEN 4690