Contemplation@UVA Meeting & Practice (Student-led)
Wed. Sep 4, 2019 - Wed. Dec 4, 2019 (14 weeks)
Every Wednesday from 8:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Contemplation@UVA will host weekly sessions to offer students an open space for conversation, meditation, and exploration of other contemplative activities. We welcome all students, whether experienced or beginners, to join us in building a supportive community that focuses on well-being. Make new friends, spread positivity, and learn about simple practices that can be integrated into daily routines.
CSC offers free drop-in programs in Contemplative Room 220, located on the second floor of Clemons Library. The room is also a reservable space for contemplative practices and serves as a quiet, drop-in space at all other times.
WHEN: All classes meet weekly from September 2 - December 6 and follow the UVA calendar. There are no classes October 5-8; and November 27-December 1.
WHO: All classes are open to all UVA students, faculty, staff, and community members/guests. (unless otherwise noted in the program details.)
FREE: All classes are free to all participants.
Registration is not required, participation is first come, first served. Participants are encouraged to arrive early to secure a spot.
Discover new and 'old' favorite drop-in classes including Yoga for Better Sleep and T'ai Chi.