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Fall 2024

Fall 2024 Academic Classes-Hosted by CSC

Spring 2023

Mindful Decision-Making— EGMT 1540—Spring 2023

Mindful Decision-Making— EGMT 1540—Spring 2023

Students will learn to reflect upon and evaluate human conduct and character and much more.

Personal Adjustment and the Science of Happiness—EDHS 4810—Spring 2023

Personal Adjustment and the Science of Happiness—EDHS 4810—Spring 2023

What does it mean to be normal, well-adjusted or happy? Examine the common conception of how people adjust to life, and more.

For a Good Cause: Practical Nonprofit Fundraising—LPPS 3150—Spring 2023

For a Good Cause: Practical Nonprofit Fundraising—LPPS 3150—Spring 2023

This experiential class will help you to understand the different types of fundraising and the essentials of executing a development plan by raising money.

East Asian Calligraphy—EAST 1200—Spring 2023

East Asian Calligraphy—EAST 1200—Spring 2023

This new course will serve students with or without East Asian background to understand and experience East Asian calligraphy or Shufa.

Health and Wellbeing Capstone Seminar—KINE 4420—Spring 2023

Health and Wellbeing Capstone Seminar—KINE 4420—Spring 2023

The Health and Wellbeing Capstone Seminar 

Environmental Decisions—ETP 4010—Spring 2023

Environmental Decisions—ETP 4010—Spring 2023

A capstone seminar for the Environmental Thought and Practice

African Music and Dance Ensemble Levels 1-3 —MUEN 2690, 3690, & 4690—Spring 2023

African Music and Dance Ensemble Levels 1-3 —MUEN 2690, 3690, & 4690—Spring 2023

Classes focus on several music/dance forms from West and Central Africa.

Front Lines of Social Change II: Women's Center Internship—EDLF 3896—Spring 2023

Front Lines of Social Change II: Women's Center Internship—EDLF 3896—Spring 2023

This course explores gender equity and social justice theory.

Mindfulness in Health and Human Development—EDIS 3012—Spring 2023

Mindfulness in Health and Human Development—EDIS 3012—Spring 2023

Exploration of mindfulness-based interventions in individuals across the lifespan. 

Advanced Intermediate Spanish—SPAN 2020—Spring 2023

Advanced Intermediate Spanish—SPAN 2020—Spring 2023

Enables students to successfully perform linguistic tasks that allow them to communicate in everyday situations and handle complications 

Managing Sustainable Development: Business Solutions to Global Challenges—GCOM 7621—Spring 2023

Managing Sustainable Development: Business Solutions to Global Challenges—GCOM 7621—Spring 2023

This course will focus on global environmental, social sustainability, and resilience.

Concepts of Performance in Africa—MUSI 4090—Spring 2023

Concepts of Performance in Africa—MUSI 4090—Spring 2023

African performance theory associated especially with Ewe (Ghana) and BaAka (Central African rainforest) music/dance.

Dance Composition—DANC 3300—Spring 2023

Dance Composition—DANC 3300—Spring 2023

This class explores dance making through the investigation of various tools and approaches to movement generation and composition from western choreographic practices.

Spanish for Medical Professionals—SPAN 3050—Spring 2023

Spanish for Medical Professionals—SPAN 3050—Spring 2023

Fundamental written and oral skills; and vocabulary for the assessment of Spanish speaking patients in a variety of healthcare settings.

Deep Listening—MUSI 3350—Spring 2023

Deep Listening—MUSI 3350—Spring 2023

An exploration of activities that involve listening and making sound, at the intersection of music-making and contemplative practices.

Well-being Through Mindfulness—KLPA 1000—Spring 2023

Well-being Through Mindfulness—KLPA 1000—Spring 2023

practical application of mindfulness in mind-body awareness, health maintenance, mindful eating, stress reduction, and communication.

Public Speaking—ENWR 2800—Spring 2023

Public Speaking—ENWR 2800—Spring 2023

An inquiry-based approach to the development of a confident, engaging, and ethical public speaking style. 

The Trauma Sensitive Classroom—EDIS 5014—Spring 2023

The Trauma Sensitive Classroom—EDIS 5014—Spring 2023

This course introduces knowledge and skills teachers need to support students exposed to chronic stress and trauma.

Social Studies: The Art and Experience of Listening—MUSI 2090—Spring 2023

Social Studies: The Art and Experience of Listening—MUSI 2090—Spring 2023

An exploration of sound, hearing, and listening are in many realms of our lived experience.

Mindfulness and Nature—KLPA 1055—Spring 2023

Mindfulness and Nature—KLPA 1055—Spring 2023

 This course is focused on learning mindfulness through connecting with the natural world and hiking the nature trails on Grounds.

Foundations of Mindfulness Practice—NUIP 2210—Spring 2023

Foundations of Mindfulness Practice—NUIP 2210—Spring 2023

This course introduces mindfulness practices to facilitate coping with stress and greater engagement with life.

The Resilient Student: Transition, Thriving and Leadership—LPPL 2100—Spring 2023

The Resilient Student: Transition, Thriving and Leadership—LPPL 2100—Spring 2023

This course focuses on development of broad skills to create fulfilling lives and successful careers after college.

Writing and Critical Inquiry (Writing about Identities)—ENWR 1510—Spring 2023

Writing and Critical Inquiry (Writing about Identities)—ENWR 1510—Spring 2023

this course approaches writing as a way of generating, representing, and reflecting on critical inquiry.

Intermediate Spanish—SPAN 2010—Spring 2023

Intermediate Spanish—SPAN 2010—Spring 2023

Learning linguistic tasks to enable communicating in everyday situations.

Text, Image, Culture: Contemplative Reading and Writing—FREN 3032—Spring 2023

Text, Image, Culture: Contemplative Reading and Writing—FREN 3032—Spring 2023

Cultural Conversation in Japanese—JAPN 2100—Spring 2023

Cultural Conversation in Japanese—JAPN 2100—Spring 2023

Improve Japanese conversation skills beyond the beginning level through online conversation with college students in Japan.

Healthy Cities—LAR 5452, PLAN 5452—Spring 2023

Healthy Cities—LAR 5452, PLAN 5452—Spring 2023

This class explores what makes a healthy city, what are the constituent parts of that system and what are different peoples needs across the life span, from perinatal to older age.

Yoga—KLPA 1410—Spring 2023

Yoga—KLPA 1410—Spring 2023

The class will begin with instruction on basic postures and progress to an intermediate level.

Mindfulness for Teachers—EDIS 5012—Spring 2023

Mindfulness for Teachers—EDIS 5012—Spring 2023

Introduction to a series of evidence-based practical skills that will help cultivate inner resources needed to support their students.

Fall 2022

Fostering Leadership in Teenage Boys—EDHS 2889—Fall 2022

Fostering Leadership in Teenage Boys—EDHS 2889—Fall 2022

Designed to teach students to maximize effective mentoring, foster critical thinking, and understand the relationship of theories of masculine identity to the development of middle school age boys.

Personal Development—EDHS 2890—Fall 2022

Personal Development—EDHS 2890—Fall 2022

This course is designed for first-year students to assist them in identifying, clarifying, developing and critiquing personal needs and values.

Stress and Anxiety Management—EDHS 2250

Stress and Anxiety Management—EDHS 2250

This course presents the major models of stress, examines psycho-social, intrapsychic, and environmental causes of stress.

Curating Sound: Art, Ethnography, and Practice—MUSI 3570—Fall 2022

Curating Sound: Art, Ethnography, and Practice—MUSI 3570—Fall 2022

This practical and discovery-driven design course explores the intersections of curatorial practice, sound studies, ethnography, composition, sound art, and community arts practice..and more.

Well-being Through Mindfulness—KLPA 1000—Fall 2022

Well-being Through Mindfulness—KLPA 1000—Fall 2022

Mindfulness practice is bringing full, non-judgmental attention to what is happening in the present moment.

Aikido—KLPA 1035—Fall 2022

Aikido—KLPA 1035—Fall 2022

Aikido is a traditional, non-violent yet effective Japanese martial art. 

Mindfulness and Nature—KLPA 1055—Fall 2022

Mindfulness and Nature—KLPA 1055—Fall 2022

Spending time in nature and practicing mindfulness are two of the best ways to destress and stay balanced and resilient. 

Classroom and Behavior Management—EDIS 3011—Fall 2022

Classroom and Behavior Management—EDIS 3011—Fall 2022

Provides students an understanding of the basic principles of human behavior and the application of those principles to teaching, positive behavior support, and the design of effective classrooms communities.

Deep Listening—MUSI 3350—Fall 2022

Deep Listening—MUSI 3350—Fall 2022

Exploration of collective activities that involve listening and making sound together, and other interactions, at the intersection of music-making and contemplative practices.

Foundations of Mindfulness Practice—NUIP 2210—Fall 2022

Foundations of Mindfulness Practice—NUIP 2210—Fall 2022

This course introduces mindfulness practices to facilitate coping with stress and greater engagement with life. 

Practicing Wisdom and Resilience—NUIP 3004—Fall 2022

Practicing Wisdom and Resilience—NUIP 3004—Fall 2022

This course explores the science of the brain/body connection offering experiential opportunities through direct meditative practices.

Patient-Family Centered Care: Mental Health Nursing—NUCO 4310—Fall 2022

Patient-Family Centered Care: Mental Health Nursing—NUCO 4310—Fall 2022

This course builds on acquired health assessment skills and introduces psychosocial research and theory needed to provide holistic care to clients.

Special Topics in Writing—ENWR 2520—Fall 2022

Special Topics in Writing—ENWR 2520—Fall 2022

Includes courses on writing studies, corporate communications, and digital writing.

The Resilient Student: Transition, Thriving, and Leadership—LPPL 2100—Fall 2022

The Resilient Student: Transition, Thriving, and Leadership—LPPL 2100—Fall 2022

This course focuses on development of broad skills to create fulfilling lives and successful careers after college. (1) development of emotional resilience skills, (2) development of life management skills, (3) intro to leadership concepts, and (4) establishment of small communities of students.

Public Speaking—ENWR 2800—Fall 2022

Public Speaking—ENWR 2800—Fall 2022

An inquiry-based approach to the development of a confident, engaging, and ethical public speaking style.

Mindfulness: Awareness and Habit—COLA 1500—Fall 2022

Mindfulness: Awareness and Habit—COLA 1500—Fall 2022

Mindfulness: Awareness and Habit

Health and Society—SOC 3700—Fall 2022

Health and Society—SOC 3700—Fall 2022

This course explores the social dimensions of health and illness, focusing especially on the social experience of illness, the social determinants of disease.

Teaching Social and Emotional Learning—EDIS 5013—Fall 2022

Teaching Social and Emotional Learning—EDIS 5013—Fall 2022

The knowledge and skills to teach or supervise others to teach social and emotional learning (SEL) formally and informally including mindful awareness practices to students in preK-12 school settings.

Mindful Decision-Making—EGMT 1540—Fall 2022

Mindful Decision-Making—EGMT 1540—Fall 2022

Are you interested in increasing your kindness, generosity, and resilience? Living an ethical life of service to others?

A Buddhist Approach to Development—GDS 3113—Fall 2022

A Buddhist Approach to Development—GDS 3113—Fall 2022

 This course will investigate, from a Buddhist perspective and practicing Vipassana meditation, the state of development in the developed and developing world and more.

Hereford College Residential Roots—INST-004—Fall 2022

Hereford College Residential Roots—INST-004—Fall 2022

Hereford College Residential Roots

Personal Finance—COMM 2730—Fall 2022

Personal Finance—COMM 2730—Fall 2022

An introduction to personal finance, focusing on financial decision-making.

Spanish for Medical Professionals—SPAN 3050—Fall 2022

Spanish for Medical Professionals—SPAN 3050—Fall 2022

This course is designed for students planning to work in the health care field.

Advanced Intermediate Spanish—SPAN 2020—Fall 2022

Advanced Intermediate Spanish—SPAN 2020—Fall 2022

Enables students to successfully perform linguistic tasks that allow them to communicate in everyday situations and handle complications.

Intermediate Spanish—SPAN 2010—Fall 2022

Intermediate Spanish—SPAN 2010—Fall 2022

Further develops the listening, speaking, reading and writing skills.

Dance Improvisation—DANC 2300—Fall 2022

Dance Improvisation—DANC 2300—Fall 2022

This open-level studio course allows students to explore dance improvisation as a practice of attention, care, and relation.

Yoga—KLPA 1410—Fall 2022

Yoga—KLPA 1410—Fall 2022

Yoga is the practice of uniting the mind and body in a series of postures or a meditation in motion. The type of yoga offered will be contingent on the skills of the instructor.

Accelerated Elementary French—FREN 1050—Fall 2022

Accelerated Elementary French—FREN 1050—Fall 2022

Reviews basic oral expression, listening, reading comprehension, and writing.

Text, Image, & Culture—FREN 3032—Fall 2022

Text, Image, & Culture—FREN 3032—Fall 2022

In this course, students will discover and engage critically with a broad sampling of French and Francophone cultural production.

Hoos Connected—PSYCH 1020—Fall 2022

Hoos Connected—PSYCH 1020—Fall 2022

Hoos Connected brings together groups of students to get to know one another while discussing the key components of making meaningful connections.

The Engineer, Ethics, and Professional Responsibility—STS 4600—Fall 2022

The Engineer, Ethics, and Professional Responsibility—STS 4600—Fall 2022

This course focuses on ethical issues in engineering.

Academic Realities and Strategies for Success—LASE-3510—Fall 2022

Academic Realities and Strategies for Success—LASE-3510—Fall 2022

Mental Health and Schools—EDHS 2895—Fall 2022

Mental Health and Schools—EDHS 2895—Fall 2022

This course will provide an overview of how school mental health professionals: identify students in need of additional academic or mental health support, promote academic and psychological well-being and more.

Professional Development and Team Dynamics—EDHS 3250—Fall 2022

Professional Development and Team Dynamics—EDHS 3250—Fall 2022

Explore what women experience(d) in the workplace in the past, present, and future.

Personal Adjustment and the Science of Happiness—EDHS 4810—Fall 2022

Personal Adjustment and the Science of Happiness—EDHS 4810—Fall 2022

Learn factors that influence psychological adjustment in normal human development and the relationship between adjustment and personal happiness. 

Mindfulness in Health and Human Development—EDIS 3012—Fall 2022

Mindfulness in Health and Human Development—EDIS 3012—Fall 2022

This course introduces a variety of mindfulness practices and the research on their effects as a means to promoting well-being and building supportive relationships in professional settings.

Mindfulness for Teachers—EDIS 5012—Fall 2022

Mindfulness for Teachers—EDIS 5012—Fall 2022

Introduction to a series of evidence-based practical skills that will help students cultivate the inner resources needed to support their students' social, emotional, and academic growth.

Front Lines of Social Change I: Women's Center Internship—EDLF 3895—Fall 2022

Front Lines of Social Change I: Women's Center Internship—EDLF 3895—Fall 2022

Front Lines of Social Change I explores gender equity and social justice theory. 

Spring 2022

Mindful Decision-Making: Integrating Body, Mind and Heart—EGMT 1540-200—Spring 2022

Mindful Decision-Making: Integrating Body, Mind and Heart—EGMT 1540-200—Spring 2022

Learn to reflect upon and evaluate human conduct and character, consider the ethical components of individual and collective behaviors, and engage in the articulation of ethical questions and moral deliberation.

Nonviolent Communication & Nonviolent Leadership—LPPP 4500/6500—Spring 2022

Nonviolent Communication & Nonviolent Leadership—LPPP 4500/6500—Spring 2022

This course is five weeks only and is open to all UVA undergrad and graduate students.

Contemplation & Creativity

Contemplation & Creativity

Be part of a creative, collaborative community of students and faculty who care deeply about how life is lived and art is made.

A Buddhist Approach to Development—GDS 3113—Spring 2022

A Buddhist Approach to Development—GDS 3113—Spring 2022

Buddhism takes an ethical and practical view of how individuals and societies can develop toward greater equity, sustainability, and satisfaction.

The Resilient Student: Transition, Thriving and Leadership—LPPL 2100—Spring 2022

The Resilient Student: Transition, Thriving and Leadership—LPPL 2100—Spring 2022

The adjustment from HS to college is filled with turbulent transitions and with opportunities for discovery, growth, and development of critical life skills. 

Intermediate Spanish—Span 2010—Spring 2022

Intermediate Spanish—Span 2010—Spring 2022

Further develops the listening, speaking, reading and writing skills.

Schools & Society: Culture, Politics, & Globalization of Western Education— EDLF 7606—Spring 2022

Schools & Society: Culture, Politics, & Globalization of Western Education— EDLF 7606—Spring 2022

Why does school look so similar across the world in spite of vast differences in resources, culture, and history? What countervailing notions of education might be displaced through the spread of formal Western education?

Foundations of Mindfulness Practice—NUIP 2210—Spring 2022

Foundations of Mindfulness Practice—NUIP 2210—Spring 2022

This course introduces mindfulness practices to facilitate coping with stress and greater engagement with life.

Schools & Society: Culture, Politics, & Globalization of Western Education—EDLF 4606—Spring 2022

Schools & Society: Culture, Politics, & Globalization of Western Education—EDLF 4606—Spring 2022

Is it inevitable that classrooms and schools look similar across the world? Why have modern education systems been adopted by societies with a diversity of local histories, cultures, and resources? 

Deep Listening—MUSI 3550—Spring 2022

Deep Listening—MUSI 3550—Spring 2022

Exploration of collective activities that involve listening and making sound together, and other interactions, at the intersection of music-making and contemplative practices.

Yoga—KINE 1410—Spring 2022

Yoga—KINE 1410—Spring 2022

Yoga is the practice of uniting the mind and body in a series of postures or a meditation in motion. 

Mindfulness and Nature—KINE 1055—Spring 2022

Mindfulness and Nature—KINE 1055—Spring 2022

Spending time in nature and practicing mindfulness are two of the best ways to destress and stay balanced and resilient.

The Art and Science of Human Flourishing

The Art and Science of Human Flourishing

This innovative course explores human flourishing; well-being; and resilience; across academic, personal, and professional spheres.

Well-being through Mindfulness —KINE 1000—Spring 2022

Well-being through Mindfulness —KINE 1000—Spring 2022

Mindfulness practice is bringing full, non-judgmental attention to what is happening in the present moment.


Fall 2021

Foundations of Mindfulness Practice—NUIP 2210—Fall 2021

Foundations of Mindfulness Practice—NUIP 2210—Fall 2021

This course introduces mindfulness practices to facilitate coping with stress and greater engagement with life.

Mindfulness and Nature—KINE 1055—Fall 2021

Mindfulness and Nature—KINE 1055—Fall 2021

Spending time in nature and practicing mindfulness are two of the best ways to destress and stay balanced and resilient.

Well-Being Through Mindfulness-KINE 1000-Fall 2021

Well-Being Through Mindfulness-KINE 1000-Fall 2021

Classes include instruction in four core practices: body scan, mindful yoga, sitting, and walking meditation.

Yoga—KINE 1410-Fall 2021

Yoga—KINE 1410-Fall 2021

 Classes focus on postures that strengthen the muscles, increase flexibility, energize the body and cultivate mental and emotional calmness.

Summer 2021

Women, Work, and Wellness – EDHS 5230

Women, Work, and Wellness – EDHS 5230

This class explores what women have experienced in the workplace in the past, present, and future. Specific attention will be given to career development and wellness models.

Mindfulness for Teachers - EDIS 5012

Mindfulness for Teachers - EDIS 5012

This course introduces students to a series of evidence-based practical skills that will help them cultivate the inner resources needed to support their students' social, emotional, and academic growth.

Mindfulness for Teachers - EDIS 5012- 501

Mindfulness for Teachers - EDIS 5012- 501

This course introduces students to a series of evidence-based practical skills that will help them cultivate the inner resources needed to support their students' social, emotional, and academic growth.

Spring 2021

Spring 2021: The Spirit of the New Workplace — GBUS 8042

Spring 2021: The Spirit of the New Workplace — GBUS 8042

| UVA CLASS | This course explores the possibilities of human organization and assess their core values, assumptions, beliefs, and expectations about work.

Spring 2021: Journeys Toward Purpose and Belonging — RELG 2559-002

Spring 2021: Journeys Toward Purpose and Belonging — RELG 2559-002

| UVA CLASS | This course explores topics of purpose, belonging, and resilience in relationship to well-being. 

Spring 2021: "Spiritual But Not Religious": Spirituality in America — RELG 2660

Spring 2021: "Spiritual But Not Religious": Spirituality in America — RELG 2660

 | UVA CLASS | This course explores the meaning of "spiritual but not religious" and why has it become such a pervasive idea in modern America.

Spring 2021: Mindfulness in Health and Human Development — EDIS 3012

Spring 2021: Mindfulness in Health and Human Development — EDIS 3012

| UVA CLASS | This course explores mindfulness-based interventions that promote physical and mental health across the lifespan.


Spring 2021: A Buddhist Approach to Development — GDS 3113

Spring 2021: A Buddhist Approach to Development — GDS 3113

| UVA CLASS | This course explores a Buddhist examination of development practice in both developed and developing countries and focuses on personal growth and development.

Spring 2021: Advanced Mindfulness in Health and Human Development — EDIS 4012

Spring 2021: Advanced Mindfulness in Health and Human Development — EDIS 4012

 | UVA CLASS | This course allows students to continue to develop and refine their personal mindfulness practice.

Spring 2021: Mindful Facilitation and Leadership — KINE 1060

Spring 2021: Mindful Facilitation and Leadership — KINE 1060

| UVA CLASS | This course explores foundational skills for bringing mindfulness-based contemplative practices into personal life, community, and professional environments. 

Spring 2021: Contemplative Lab - RELG 1559

Spring 2021: Contemplative Lab - RELG 1559

| UVA CSC CLASS|  Explore the connections between contemplation and the creative process in this new course.

Spring 2021: Personal Adjustment and the Science of Happiness — EDHS 4810

Spring 2021: Personal Adjustment and the Science of Happiness — EDHS 4810

| UVA CLASS | This course explores what it means to be normal, well-adjusted, or happy, and examines the common conception of how people adjust to life.

Spring 2021: Cultivating Wisdom and Well-Being for Personal & Professional Growth — COMM 4831

Spring 2021: Cultivating Wisdom and Well-Being for Personal & Professional Growth — COMM 4831

| UVA CLASS | This course explores new understanding and tools as to how wisdom and sell-being apply to professional and personal situations.

Spring 2021: Stress and Anxiety Management — EDHS 2250

Spring 2021: Stress and Anxiety Management — EDHS 2250

| UVA CLASS | This course explores the major models of stress, examines psycho-social, intrapsychic, and environmental causes of stress and provides an overview of stress's  impact.

Spring 2021: Interdisciplinary Studies Hereford College — INST 2550

Spring 2021: Interdisciplinary Studies Hereford College — INST 2550

| UVA CLASS | This course is a part of the Interdisciplinary Studies at Hereford College.

Spring 2021: Mindfulness and Nature  — KINE 1055

Spring 2021: Mindfulness and Nature — KINE 1055

 | UVA CLASS | This course explores mindfulness through connecting with the natural world and hiking the nature trails on grounds.

Spring 2021: Issues in Ethnomusicology: African Electronic Music — MUSI 4523

Spring 2021: Issues in Ethnomusicology: African Electronic Music — MUSI 4523

 | UVA CLASS | This course explores multiplex genres of futuristic music and innovations in artistic practice, remix culture and Afrofuturism.

Spring 2021: Spanish for Medical Professionals — SPAN 3050

Spring 2021: Spanish for Medical Professionals — SPAN 3050

| UVA CLASS | This course explores fundamental written and oral skills and vocabulary for the assessment of Spanish speaking patients in a variety of settings.

Spring 2021: Racialized Trauma and Body-Based Justice — LPPP 2559

Spring 2021: Racialized Trauma and Body-Based Justice — LPPP 2559

This course will explore the logic of systemic inequality based on social identities such as race, class & gender and its contribution to traumatic experiences.

Spring 2021: ENWR 2800-003 - Public Speaking

Spring 2021: ENWR 2800-003 - Public Speaking

This is an inquiry-based approach to the development of a confident, engaging, and ethical public speaking style. 

Spring 2021: Foundations of Mindfulness Practice — NUIP 2210 (laboratory)

Spring 2021: Foundations of Mindfulness Practice — NUIP 2210 (laboratory)

 | UVA CLASS | This course explores mindfulness practices to facilitate coping with stress and greater engagement with life.

Spring 2021: Tibetan Buddhism Introduction — RELB 2054

Spring 2021: Tibetan Buddhism Introduction — RELB 2054

| UVA CLASS | This course explores Tibetan Buddhism with a strong emphasis on tantric traditions of Buddhism.

Spring 2021: Dance Composition - DANC 3300 - 001

Spring 2021: Dance Composition - DANC 3300 - 001

This class explores the creative process through the investigation of various approaches to composition. 

Spring 2021: Patient-Family Centered Care: Mental Health Nursing — NUCO 4310

Spring 2021: Patient-Family Centered Care: Mental Health Nursing — NUCO 4310

| UVA CLASS | This course explores psychosocial research and theory needed to provide holistic care to clients across the lifespan. 

Spring 2021: Introduction to Eastern Religious Traditions — RELG 1040

Spring 2021: Introduction to Eastern Religious Traditions — RELG 1040

| UVA CLASS | Introduces various aspects of the religious traditions of India, China, and Japan.

Spring 2021: Buddhism — RELB 2100

Spring 2021: Buddhism — RELB 2100

Theravada, Mahayana, and Tantrayana Buddhist developments in India.

Spring 2021: Acting II — DRAM 3410

Spring 2021: Acting II — DRAM 3410

| UVA CLASS | This course explores exercises and scene work emphasizing the development of the actor's vocal and physical resources. 

Spring 2021: Well-being Through Mindfulness — KINE 1000

Spring 2021: Well-being Through Mindfulness — KINE 1000

| UVA CLASS | This course explores mindfulness practice and how it is bringing full, non-judgmental attention to what is happening in the present moment.

Spring 2021: Sound Studies-001 - Anthropology & the Art of Sound Experience — MUSI 2090

Spring 2021: Sound Studies-001 - Anthropology & the Art of Sound Experience — MUSI 2090

  | UVA CLASS | This course explores creative approaches from sound studies, musicology, anthropology, and composition.

Spring 2021: Science and Technology in Social and Global Context — STS 2500

Spring 2021: Science and Technology in Social and Global Context — STS 2500

| UVA CLASS | This course explores the implications of STS core concepts within a specific topical or disciplinary area.

Spring 2021: Yoga — KINE 1410

Spring 2021: Yoga — KINE 1410


Spring 2021: Mindfulness for Teachers — EDIS 5012

Spring 2021: Mindfulness for Teachers — EDIS 5012

| UVA CLASS | This course explores evidence-based practical skills that will help future teachers cultivate the inner resources to support their students growth.

J-Term 2021

J-Term 2021: Buddhist Meditation and the Modern Secular World — RELB 2165

J-Term 2021: Buddhist Meditation and the Modern Secular World — RELB 2165

This course focuses on meditation from three overlapping perspectives: traditional Buddhist practices, contemporary scientific research, and modern secular adaptations.

Fall 2020

Fall 2020: Interdisciplinary Studies Hereford College Garden Party — INST 2550

Fall 2020: Interdisciplinary Studies Hereford College Garden Party — INST 2550

| UVA CLASS | Students may learn about growing flowers and food from the comfort of their own home and in outdoor gardening sessions.

Fall 2020: Leading with Presence in Healthcare — GNUR 5030

Fall 2020: Leading with Presence in Healthcare — GNUR 5030

For current and future healthcare leaders who want to be more mindful, compassionate and effective. The course will foster understanding leadership development, compassionate care, and healthy work enviornments which deliver high-quality patient care.

Fall 2020: Introduction to Mindfulness — KINE 1000

Fall 2020: Introduction to Mindfulness — KINE 1000

The practical application of mindfulness in mind-body awareness, health maintenance, mindful eating, stress reduction, and communication will be explored through exercises and group discussion.

Fall 2020: Personal Adjustment and the Science of Happiness — EDHS 4810

Fall 2020: Personal Adjustment and the Science of Happiness — EDHS 4810

What does it mean to be normal, well-adjusted or happy? Learn factors that influence psychological adjustment in normal human development and the relationship between adjustment and personal happiness. 

Fall 2020: Foundations of Mindfulness Practice — NUIP 2210

Fall 2020: Foundations of Mindfulness Practice — NUIP 2210

This course introduces mindfulness practices to facilitate coping with stress and greater engagement with life. Mindfulness involves bringing intentional non-judgmental awareness to what is happening in the present moment. 

Fall 2020: Mindfulness and Nature — KINE 1055

Fall 2020: Mindfulness and Nature — KINE 1055

Spending time in nature and practicing mindfulness are two of the best ways to destress and stay balanced and resilient.

Fall 2020: Science and Technology in Social and Global Context - Responsible Innovation — STS 2500 - 001

Fall 2020: Science and Technology in Social and Global Context - Responsible Innovation — STS 2500 - 001

The course explores the social and global context of engineering, science and technology.

Fall 2020: Patient-Family Centered Care: Mental Health Nursing — NUCO 4310

Fall 2020: Patient-Family Centered Care: Mental Health Nursing — NUCO 4310

This course builds on acquired health assessment skills and introduces psychosocial research and theory needed to provide holistic care to clients across the lifespan. 

Fall 2020: Acting II — DRAM 3410

Fall 2020: Acting II — DRAM 3410

Exercises and scene work emphasizing the development of the actor's vocal and physical resources.

Fall 2020: Contemplative Studies in Ethnomusicology — MUSI 7526

Fall 2020: Contemplative Studies in Ethnomusicology — MUSI 7526

Studies the field of ethnomusicology

Fall 2020: Tibetan Buddhism Introduction — RELB 2054

Fall 2020: Tibetan Buddhism Introduction — RELB 2054

Provides a systematic introduction to Tibetan Buddhism with a strong emphasis on tantric traditions of Buddhism - philosophy, contemplation, ritual, monastic life, pilgrimage, deities & demons, ethics, society, history, and art. 

Fall 2020: Mindful Facilitation and Leadership — KINE 1060

Fall 2020: Mindful Facilitation and Leadership — KINE 1060

Students will deepen their own mindfulness practice while learning to lead contemplative practices and infuse mindfulness into facilitation and leadership settings. Students will apply what they are learning to a specific dimension of their life.

Fall 2020: Second Year Japanese — JAPN 2010

Fall 2020: Second Year Japanese — JAPN 2010

Continuation of Elementary Japanese introducing more complex sentence patterns, idioms, and vocabulary to prepare students for an intermediate-level communication. 

Fall 2020: Mindfulness in Health and Human Development — EDIS 3012

Fall 2020: Mindfulness in Health and Human Development — EDIS 3012

This course introduces a variety of these practices and the research on their effects as a means to promoting well-being and building supportive relationships in professional settings.

Fall 2020: Stress and Anxiety Management — EDHS 2250

Fall 2020: Stress and Anxiety Management — EDHS 2250

This course presents the major models of stress, examines psycho-social, intrapsychic, and environmental causes of stress and provides an overview of stress's physiological and psychological impact. 

Fall 2020: Academic Realities and Strategies for Success — ELA 2110

Fall 2020: Academic Realities and Strategies for Success — ELA 2110

This class introduces students who have struggled academically in the previous semester to effective study strategies, University resources, and life skills that support student success. 

Fall 2020: Mindfulness for Teachers — EDIS 5012

Fall 2020: Mindfulness for Teachers — EDIS 5012

Mindfulness for Teachers will introduce students to a series of evidence-based practical skills needed to support their students' social, emotional, and academic growth.

Fall 2020: Science and Technology in Social and Global Context - Ethical Analytics: Using Data for Social Good — STS 2500 - 002

Fall 2020: Science and Technology in Social and Global Context - Ethical Analytics: Using Data for Social Good — STS 2500 - 002

The course explores the social and global context of engineering, science and technology. 

Fall 2020: Yoga — KINE 1410

Fall 2020: Yoga — KINE 1410

Yoga is the practice of uniting the mind and body in a series of postures or as meditation in motion. 

Fall 2020: Aikido — KINE 1035

Fall 2020: Aikido — KINE 1035

Aikido is a traditional, non-violent yet effective Japanese martial art. Aikido focuses on harmonizing with your opponent to bring peaceful resolution to conflict situations. 

Fall 2020: Spanish for Medical Professionals - SPAN 3050

Fall 2020: Spanish for Medical Professionals - SPAN 3050

This course is designed for students planning to work in the health care field and who want to develop fundamental written and oral skills and vocabulary for the assessment of Spanish speaking patients in a variety of settings.

Fall 2020: Hinduism — RELH 2090

Fall 2020: Hinduism — RELH 2090

Surveys the Hindu religious heritage from pre-history to the 17th century; includes the Jain and Sikh protestant movements.

Fall 2020: Practicing Wisdom and Resilience — NUIP 3004

Fall 2020: Practicing Wisdom and Resilience — NUIP 3004

This course explores the science of the brain/body connection offering experiential opportunities through direct meditative practices.

Fall 2020: Foundations of Medical Yoga for Health Professionals — GNUR 5009

Fall 2020: Foundations of Medical Yoga for Health Professionals — GNUR 5009

This elective course will provide graduate and medical students and practicing health professionals with a foundational understanding of medical yoga.

Spring 2020

Spring 2020: The Spirit of the New Workplace — GBUS 8042

Spring 2020: The Spirit of the New Workplace — GBUS 8042

Restricted to Darden students. Students will explore the possibilities of human organization and assess core values and beliefs about work.

Spring 2020: Mindfulness 2.0: Deepening Your Practice — NUIP 3010

Spring 2020: Mindfulness 2.0: Deepening Your Practice — NUIP 3010

This course provides students who have an established mindfulness practice an opportunity to explore mindfulness in greater depth.

Spring 2020: Introduction to Mindfulness — KINE 1000

Spring 2020: Introduction to Mindfulness — KINE 1000

The practical application of mindfulness in mind-body awareness, health maintenance, mindful eating, stress reduction, and communication will be explored through exercises and group discussion.

Spring 2020: A Buddhist Approach to Development — GDS 3113

Spring 2020: A Buddhist Approach to Development — GDS 3113

Through Vipassana meditation and Buddhist literature, the class will explore the development of thoughts and actions and development issues of peace, human rights, sustainability, consumption, conservation, and change.

Spring 2020: Mindfulness in Health and Human Development — EDIS 3012

Spring 2020: Mindfulness in Health and Human Development — EDIS 3012

Designed to integrate cutting edge science with practical applications for students preparing to work in caring professions, or other work environments. 

Spring 2020: Global Humanitarian Crises Response — LPPS 3295

Spring 2020: Global Humanitarian Crises Response — LPPS 3295

Taught by a former United Nations official, this course will look at critical questions defining global humanitarian action and policy.

Spring 2020: Stress & Anxiety Management — EDHS 2250

Spring 2020: Stress & Anxiety Management — EDHS 2250

This course presents the major models of stress, examines psycho-social, intrapsychic, and environmental causes of stress and provides an overview of stress's physiological and psychological impact. 

Spring 2020: Personal Adjustment and the Science of Happiness — EDHS 4810

Spring 2020: Personal Adjustment and the Science of Happiness — EDHS 4810

What does it mean to be normal, well-adjusted or happy? Learn factors that influence psychological adjustment in normal human development and the relationship between adjustment and personal happiness. 

Spring 2020: Cultivating Wisdom and Well-Being for Personal and Professional Growth — COMM 4831

Spring 2020: Cultivating Wisdom and Well-Being for Personal and Professional Growth — COMM 4831

Aristotle maintained that the goal of life is to achieve well-being through wisdom. In this course we seek new understanding and tools as to how wisdom and sell-being apply to professional and personal situations.

Spring 2020: Nineteenth-Century Social Reform and the Modern Conscience — ENGL 4500-002

Spring 2020: Nineteenth-Century Social Reform and the Modern Conscience — ENGL 4500-002

Have you ever wished that you could make a difference in the world? How would you even know where to begin? In this course, you will explore the answers to these questions in a profound and surprisingly local way by exploring works of nineteenth-century British literature and the Charlottesville community. 

Spring 2020: Science and Technology in Social and Global Context — STS 2500

Spring 2020: Science and Technology in Social and Global Context — STS 2500

This course invites students to explore the implications of STS core concepts within a specific topical or disciplinary area, drawing out the implications of STS 1500 in depth. 

Spring 2020: Foundations of Mindfulness Practice — NUIP 2210

Spring 2020: Foundations of Mindfulness Practice — NUIP 2210

This course introduces mindfulness practices to facilitate coping with stress and greater engagement with life. Mindfulness involves bringing intentional non-judgmental awareness to what is happening in the present moment. 

Spring 2020: Academic Realities and Strategies for Success — ELA 2110

Spring 2020: Academic Realities and Strategies for Success — ELA 2110

This class introduces students who have struggled academically in the previous semester to effective study strategies, University resources, and life skills that support student success. 

Spring 2020: Contemplative Studies in Ethnomusicology — MUSI 7526

Spring 2020: Contemplative Studies in Ethnomusicology — MUSI 7526

The emerging field of contemplative studies invites increasingly engaged, compassionate, collaborative scholarship and teaching that draws the focus to practice, process, creativity, and intuitive thinking. How might a contemplative approach shape the kinds of questions music scholars ask and the processes through which we seek answers?

Spring 2020: Spanish for Medical Professionals - SPAN 3050

Spring 2020: Spanish for Medical Professionals - SPAN 3050

This course is designed for students planning to work in the health care field and who want to develop fundamental written and oral skills and vocabulary for the assessment of Spanish speaking patients in a variety of settings.

Spring 2020: African Electronic Music — MUSI 4523

Spring 2020: African Electronic Music — MUSI 4523

African cities and urban areas have long been places for some of the most futuristic sounds being created.

Spring 2020: Advanced Mindfulness in Health and Human Development — EDIS 4012 (prerequisite is EDIS 3012)

Spring 2020: Advanced Mindfulness in Health and Human Development — EDIS 4012 (prerequisite is EDIS 3012)

This class is designed to further build skills and knowledge learned in EDIS 3012 and to prepare students to lead and teach mindful awareness practices to others.

Spring 2020: “Spiritual But Not Religious”: Spirituality in America — RELG 2660

Spring 2020: “Spiritual But Not Religious”: Spirituality in America — RELG 2660

What does "spiritual but not religious" mean, and why has it become such a pervasive idea in modern America?

Spring 2020: Mindfulness and Nature — KINE 1055

Spring 2020: Mindfulness and Nature — KINE 1055

Spending time in nature and practicing mindfulness are two of the best ways to destress and stay balanced and resilient.

Spring 2020: On Desire and Separation: Persian Poetry Then and Now (In Translation) — PETR 3559

Spring 2020: On Desire and Separation: Persian Poetry Then and Now (In Translation) — PETR 3559

Persian poets have expressed their desire, love and anxieties of separation in remarkable figurative ways throughout centuries.

Spring 2020: Acting II — DRAM 3410

Spring 2020: Acting II — DRAM 3410

Students will participate in exercises and scene work emphasizing the development of the actor's vocal and physical resources as a means of creating and communicating character, emotion, and relationships. 

Spring 2020: Resilient Leadership for Teams and Teammates — LPPL 3450

Spring 2020: Resilient Leadership for Teams and Teammates — LPPL 3450

This course builds students' skills in "the art of getting things done". Students will establish the critical leadership and team-building competencies that distinguish highly effective leaders. 

Spring 2020: Sound Studies: the anthropology and art of sound experience — MUSI 2090

Spring 2020: Sound Studies: the anthropology and art of sound experience — MUSI 2090

An exploration and experience of music, sound and artistic practice in human (and non-human) behavioural contexts.

Spring 2020: Mindfulness for Teachers — EDIS 5012

Spring 2020: Mindfulness for Teachers — EDIS 5012

This class is designed help students develop the competencies needed to orchestrate healthy and supportive classroom dynamics.

Spring 2020: Mental Health Theories and Therapies — GNUR 6252

Spring 2020: Mental Health Theories and Therapies — GNUR 6252

Paradigms and models examined include: psychotherapeutic, biopsychosocial, behavioral, stress and coping, and more. 


Spring 2020: Buddhism — RELB 2100

Spring 2020: Buddhism — RELB 2100

This course focuses on Theravada, Mahayana, and Tantrayana Buddhist developments in India.

Spring 2020: Patient-Family Centered Care: Mental Health Nursing — NUCO 4310

Spring 2020: Patient-Family Centered Care: Mental Health Nursing — NUCO 4310

This course builds on acquired health assessment skills and introduces psychosocial research and theory needed to provide holistic care to clients across the lifespan. 

Fall 2019

Fall 2019: Foundations of Medical Yoga for Health Professionals — GNUR 5009

Fall 2019: Foundations of Medical Yoga for Health Professionals — GNUR 5009

This elective course will provide graduate and medical students and practicing health professionals with a foundational understanding of medical yoga in terms of history, theory, and research in relation to health and wellness.

Fall 2019: Mindfulness in Health and Human Development — EDIS 3012

Fall 2019: Mindfulness in Health and Human Development — EDIS 3012

Mindfulness-based interventions promote physical and mental health and support cognitive and emotional developmental processes in individuals across the lifespan. 

Fall 2019: Practicing Wisdom and Resilience — NUIP 3004

Fall 2019: Practicing Wisdom and Resilience — NUIP 3004

This course explores the science of the brain/body connection offering experiential opportunities through direct meditative practices.

Fall 2019: Mindful Facilitation and Leadership — KINE 1060

Fall 2019: Mindful Facilitation and Leadership — KINE 1060

Through this course, you will learn foundational skills for bringing mindfulness-based contemplative practices into your personal life, community, and professional environments.

Fall 2019: God and Nature in America — COLA 1500-009

Fall 2019: God and Nature in America — COLA 1500-009

This course examines how Americans have viewed the relation between God, nature, and themselves since the founding of the United States.

Fall 2019: Buddhist Philosophy — RELB 5055

Fall 2019: Buddhist Philosophy — RELB 5055

Study of the Pali and Sanskritic Buddhist philosophical traditions.

Fall 2019: Stress and Anxiety Management — EDHS 2250

Fall 2019: Stress and Anxiety Management — EDHS 2250

This course presents the major models of stress, examines psycho-social, intrapsychic, and environmental causes of stress and provides an overview of stress's physiological and psychological impact.

Fall 2019: Landscapes of Black Education — ENGL 2599-005

Fall 2019: Landscapes of Black Education — ENGL 2599-005

This course examines how seemingly ordinary spaces and places around us, “landscapes,” are involved in the struggle to democratize education in the United States. It focuses on African American education.

Fall 2019: Mindfulness and Nature — KINE 1055

Fall 2019: Mindfulness and Nature — KINE 1055

Spending time in nature and practicing mindfulness are two of the best ways to destress and stay balanced and resilient.

Fall 2019: Ordinary to Extraordinary: How the Arts Transform Life — COLA 1500-014

Fall 2019: Ordinary to Extraordinary: How the Arts Transform Life — COLA 1500-014

Students in this comparative, interdisciplinary advising seminar will explore the myriad ways in which artists manage to find, and represent, beauty in the banal.

Fall 2019: Tibetan Buddhism Introduction — RELB 2054

Fall 2019: Tibetan Buddhism Introduction — RELB 2054

This class provides a systematic introduction to Tibetan Buddhism with a strong emphasis on the tantric traditions of Buddhism—including philosophy, contemplation, ritual, monastic life, pilgrimage, deities and demons, ethics, society, history, and art

Fall 2019: Hinduism — RELH 2090

Fall 2019: Hinduism — RELH 2090

Surveys the Hindu religious heritage from pre-history to the 17th century; includes the Jain and Sikh protestant movements.

Fall 2019: Life's a Stage: Performance Skills for Every Day — COLA 1500-043

Fall 2019: Life's a Stage: Performance Skills for Every Day — COLA 1500-043

Was Shakespeare right when he wrote, "All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players"? This class explores the uses of acting skills in real world situations outside the fields of film and theatre. 

Fall 2019: The Trauma Sensitive Classroom — EDIS 5014

Fall 2019: The Trauma Sensitive Classroom — EDIS 5014

The Trauma-Sensitive Classroom provides the knowledge and skills educators need to provide support for students who are exposed to trauma. 

Fall 2019: Mindfulness For Teachers — EDIS 5012

Fall 2019: Mindfulness For Teachers — EDIS 5012

Featured UVA Class: Introduction to evidence-based skills for teachers to help cultivate the inner resources needed to support their students' social, emotional, and academic growth.

Fall 2019: Transformative Storytelling: Sharing Stories of Social Justice — COLA 1500-035

Fall 2019: Transformative Storytelling: Sharing Stories of Social Justice — COLA 1500-035

What are some of the most thought-provoking and powerful stories you’ve ever heard or read? When was the last time a story moved you to go out and make a difference in the world such as challenging the strongholds of injustice? This course explores the act of storytelling as it relates to issues of Social Justice and the role of storytellers as agents of change.

Fall 2019: Climbing as Mindfulness — KINE 1450

Fall 2019: Climbing as Mindfulness — KINE 1450

Climbing is one of many possible goal-driven activities that have 'flow'' potential. The course explores climbing as a tool for engaging the body in the flow of the mind and vice versa and its contribution to heightened body/mind awareness without formal 'meditation'. 

Fall 2019: Acting II — DRAM 3410

Fall 2019: Acting II — DRAM 3410

Exercises and scene work emphasizing the development of the actor's vocal and physical resources as a means of creating and communicating character, emotion, and relationships.

Fall 2019: Foundations for Mindfulness Practice — NUIP 2210

This course introduces mindfulness practices to facilitate coping with stress and greater engagement with life.

Fall 2019: Foundations for Mindfulness Practice — NUIP 2210

Fall 2019: Foundations for Mindfulness Practice — NUIP 2210

This course introduces mindfulness practices to facilitate coping with stress and greater engagement with life.

Fall 2019: Buddhism — RELB 2100

Fall 2019: Buddhism — RELB 2100

This course focuses on Theravada, Mahayana, and Tantrayana Buddhist developments in India.

Fall 2019: Science and Technology in Social and Global Context - Science and the Good Life — STS 2500 - 003

Fall 2019: Science and Technology in Social and Global Context - Science and the Good Life — STS 2500 - 003

This course invites students to explore the implications of STS core concepts within a specific topical or disciplinary area, drawing out the implications of STS 1500 in depth.

Fall 2019: Second Year Japanese — JAPN 2010

Fall 2019: Second Year Japanese — JAPN 2010

Continuation of Elementary Japanese introducing more complex sentence patterns, idioms, and vocabulary to prepare students for an intermediate-level communication.

Fall 2019: Buddhist Meditation Traditions — RELB 2900

Fall 2019: Buddhist Meditation Traditions — RELB 2900

The goal of this course will be to examine different conceptions of Buddhist meditation and how these different conceptions affect the nature of practice and the understanding of the ideal life within a variety of Buddhist traditions.

Fall 2019: The Good Friend — COLA 1500-074

Fall 2019: The Good Friend — COLA 1500-074

In the context of college life and beyond, what does it mean to have and be a good friend? What is the nature of friendship, and how can it be integral to a successful and happy college experience?

Fall 2019: Yoga —  KINE 1410

Fall 2019: Yoga — KINE 1410

Yoga is the practice of uniting the mind and body in a series of postures or a meditation in motion. 

Summer 2019

Summer 2019: Teaching Mindfulness in School — EDIS 5013-500

Summer 2019: Teaching Mindfulness in School — EDIS 5013-500

This course introduces the knowledge and skills teachers need to introduce mindful awareness practices to students in pre-K-12 school settings.

Summer 2019: Mindfulness for Teachers — EDIS 5012-500

Summer 2019: Mindfulness for Teachers — EDIS 5012-500

Teaching is one of the most rewarding professions, but it can also be one of the most stressful. Mindfulness for Teachers will introduce students to a series of evidence-based practical skills that will help them cultivate the inner resources needed to support their students' social, emotional, and academic growth.

Spring 2019

Spring 2019: The Spirit of the New Workplace — GBUS 8042

Spring 2019: The Spirit of the New Workplace — GBUS 8042

Restricted to Darden students. This seminar invites students to explore the possibilities of human organization and assess their core values, assumptions, beliefs, and expectations about work.

Spring 2019: Mindfulness 2.0: Deepening Your Practice — NUIP 3010

Spring 2019: Mindfulness 2.0: Deepening Your Practice — NUIP 3010

This course provides students who have an established mindfulness practice an opportunity to explore mindfulness in greater depth.

Spring 2019: Introduction to Mindfulness — KINE 1000

Spring 2019: Introduction to Mindfulness — KINE 1000

The practical application of mindfulness in mind-body awareness, health maintenance, mindful eating, stress reduction, and communication will be explored through exercises and group discussion.

Spring 2019: Mindfulness Practices —  INST 2500 - 001

Spring 2019: Mindfulness Practices — INST 2500 - 001

This course provides an introduction to mindfulness practices to facilitate coping with stress and to promote greater engagement with life.

Spring 2019:  A Buddhist Approach to Development — GDS 3113

Spring 2019: A Buddhist Approach to Development — GDS 3113

This is a practical exercise in which we will explore development through Vipassana meditation and the literature that has come from the application of Buddhist thought to development issues of peace, human rights, sustainability, consumption, conservation, and change.

Spring 2019: Mindfulness in Health and Human Development — EDIS 3012

Spring 2019: Mindfulness in Health and Human Development — EDIS 3012

This course is designed to integrate cutting edge science with practical applications for students preparing to work in caring professions.

Spring 2019: Meditation Peer Leadership — KINE 1050

Spring 2019: Meditation Peer Leadership — KINE 1050

This course will introduce mindfulness practices and prepare you to instruct your peers in mindfulness meditation in settings like school, work, clubs, and sport. 

Spring 2019: Personal Adjustment and the Science of Happiness — EDHS 4810

Spring 2019: Personal Adjustment and the Science of Happiness — EDHS 4810

Learn factors that influence psychological adjustment in normal human development and the relationship between adjustment and personal happiness. The course will incorporate study, self-examination, mindfulness, personal projects and the science of creating happiness.s.

Spring 2019: Managing Anxiety and Improving Performance with the Alexander Technique — MUSI 2450

Spring 2019: Managing Anxiety and Improving Performance with the Alexander Technique — MUSI 2450

This course introduces and offers practical experience with the Alexander Technique. The Technique helps performers, people who suffer from anxiety, and people who would like a more fluid and friendly connection with everyday movement.

Spring 2019: Global Humanitarian Crises Response — LPPS 3295

Spring 2019: Global Humanitarian Crises Response — LPPS 3295

 This course will look at critical questions defining global humanitarian action and policy.

Spring 2019: Stress & Anxiety Management — EDHS 2250

Spring 2019: Stress & Anxiety Management — EDHS 2250

This course presents the major models of stress, examines psycho-social, intrapsychic, and environmental causes of stress and provides an overview of stress's physiological and psychological impact.

Spring 2019: Cultivating Wisdom and Well-Being for Personal and Professional Growth — COMM 4831

Spring 2019: Cultivating Wisdom and Well-Being for Personal and Professional Growth — COMM 4831

The goal of this course is to seek new understandings, self-insights, and useful tools in regard to wisdom and well-being, particularly as to how these concepts apply to a variety of professional and personal situations across the life span.

Spring 2019: Foundations of Mindfulness Practice — NUIP 2210

Spring 2019: Foundations of Mindfulness Practice — NUIP 2210

This course introduces mindfulness practices to facilitate coping with stress and to promote greater engagement with life. 

Spring 2019: Mindfulness and Compassion: Living Fully, Personally and Professionally —  NUIP 3030

Spring 2019: Mindfulness and Compassion: Living Fully, Personally and Professionally — NUIP 3030

In this course, you will become a scientist of your own experience and explore how mindfulness and prosocial practices can change your attitude and your experience in college and beyond.

Spring 2019: Advanced Mindfulness in Health and Human Development — EDIS 4012

Spring 2019: Advanced Mindfulness in Health and Human Development — EDIS 4012

This course is designed to further build skills and knowledge learned in EDIS 3012 and to prepare students to lead and teach mindful awareness practices to others.

Spring 2019: “Spiritual But Not Religious”: Spirituality in America — RELG 2660

Spring 2019: “Spiritual But Not Religious”: Spirituality in America — RELG 2660

What does "spiritual but not religious" mean, and why has it become such a pervasive idea in modern America? We'll study everything from Alcholocis Anonymous to yoga Christian rock. We'll come to see spirituality in America as a complex intermingling of the great world religions, modern psychology, commercialized culture industry.

Spring 2019: Academic Realities and Strategies for Success — ELA 2110

Spring 2019: Academic Realities and Strategies for Success — ELA 2110

For students who have struggled academically in the previous semester, this course introduces to effective study strategies, University resources, and life skills that support student success..

Spring 2019: Mindfulness and Nature — KINE 1055

Spring 2019: Mindfulness and Nature — KINE 1055

This course is focused on learning mindfulness through connecting with the natural world and hiking the nature trails on Grounds. 

Spring 2019: Mindfulness for Teachers — EDIS 5012 (Online Course)

Spring 2019: Mindfulness for Teachers — EDIS 5012 (Online Course)

Mindfulness for Teachers will introduce students to a series of evidence-based practical skills that will help them cultivate the inner resources needed to support their students' social, emotional, and academic growth.

Spring 2019: Resilient Leadership for Teams and Teammates — LPPL 3450

Spring 2019: Resilient Leadership for Teams and Teammates — LPPL 3450

Students will establish the critical leadership and team-building competencies that distinguish highly effective leaders including resilience; team leadership skills; capacity for thriving in times of adversity; emotional intelligence; and interpersonal skills.

Spring 2019:  Science and the Good Life — STS 2500

Spring 2019: Science and the Good Life — STS 2500

The course explores the social and global context of engineering, science, and technology. Prerequisites: STS 1500 or an equivalent STS course.

Spring 2019: Mental Health Theories and Therapies — GNUR 6252

Spring 2019: Mental Health Theories and Therapies — GNUR 6252

We will examine paradigms and models including: psychotherapeutic; biopsychosocial; behavioral; stress and coping; health promotion; and psychiatric mental health nursing theoretical frameworks. It is restricted to those in the Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner program and is a required core course.

Spring 2019: Patient-Family Centered Care: Mental Health Nursing — NUCO 4310

Spring 2019: Patient-Family Centered Care: Mental Health Nursing — NUCO 4310

Restricted to undergraduate nursing school students, this course builds upon acquired health assessment skills and introduces the psychosocial research and theory needed to provide holistic care to clients across the lifespan.

Spring 2019: Yoga — KINE 1410

Spring 2019: Yoga — KINE 1410

Yoga is the practice of uniting mind and body in a series of postures or as meditation in motion. The yoga practiced in each section will be determined by the instructor. 

 Spring 2019: Teaching Mindfulness in School — EDIS 5013 (Online Course)

Spring 2019: Teaching Mindfulness in School — EDIS 5013 (Online Course)

This course introduces the knowledge and skills teachers need to introduce mindful awareness practices to students in pre-K-12 school settings. Reviewing the latest research, students will learn effective strategies for teaching mindfulness to children and teens. 

Fall 2018

Fall 2018: Mindfulness in Health and Human Development — EDIS 3012

Fall 2018: Mindfulness in Health and Human Development — EDIS 3012

Mindfulness in Health and Human Development is designed to integrate cutting edge science with practical applications for students preparing to work in caring professions.

Fall 2018: Deep Listening — MUSI 3559

Fall 2018: Deep Listening — MUSI 3559

In this course we will explore collective activities that involve listening and making sound together, at the intersection of music-making and contemplative practices, drawing on Pauline Oliveros’s “Sonic Meditations” and “Deep Listening Pieces” and related work by other musicians and thinkers. 

Fall 2018: Introduction to Mindfulness — KINE 1000

Fall 2018: Introduction to Mindfulness — KINE 1000

Classes include instruction in four core practices: body scan, mindful yoga, sitting, and walking meditation. The practical application of mindfulness in mind-body awareness, health maintenance, mindful eating, stress reduction, and communication will be explored through exercises & group discussion.

Fall 2018: Foundations of Medical Yoga for Health Professionals — GNUR 5009

Fall 2018: Foundations of Medical Yoga for Health Professionals — GNUR 5009

This elective course will provide graduate students, medical students, and practicing health professionals with a foundational understanding of medical yoga to improve health and wellness from a historical, theoretical, and research perspective.

Fall 2018: Practicing Wisdom and Resilience — NUIP 3004

Fall 2018: Practicing Wisdom and Resilience — NUIP 3004

This course explores the science of the brain/body connection offering experiential opportunities through direct meditative practices.  We will develop self-assessment, self-care strategies and resilience practices, within the larger context of wisdom.

Fall 2018: Mindfulness for Teachers — EDIS 5012 (Online Course)

Fall 2018: Mindfulness for Teachers — EDIS 5012 (Online Course)

Mindfulness for Teachers will introduce students to a series of evidence-based practical skills that will help them cultivate the inner resources needed to support their students' social, emotional, and academic growth.

Fall 2018: Stress and Anxiety Management — EDHS 2250

Fall 2018: Stress and Anxiety Management — EDHS 2250

This course presents the major models of stress; examines psycho-social, intrapsychic, and environmental causes of stress; and provides an overview of stress's physiological and psychological impact.

Fall 2018: Mindfulness: Awareness and Habit — COLA 1500-024

Fall 2018: Mindfulness: Awareness and Habit — COLA 1500-024

Through formal and informal practices that bring curiosity to thoughts, feelings and emotions, students will develop the ability to pay attention to the present moment. Mindfulness in meditation, movement, and walking and eating will be explored.

Fall 2018: Personal Adjustment and the Science of Happiness — EDHS 4810

Fall 2018: Personal Adjustment and the Science of Happiness — EDHS 4810

Learn factors that influence psychological adjustment in normal human development and the relationship between adjustment and personal happiness. 

Fall 2018: Tibetan Buddhism Introduction — RELB 2054

Fall 2018: Tibetan Buddhism Introduction — RELB 2054

This course introduces students to fundamental aspects of Tibetan Buddhist thought and practice—philosophy, meditation, ritual, and ethics.

Fall 2018: Foundations of Mindfulness Practice — NUIP 2210

Fall 2018: Foundations of Mindfulness Practice — NUIP 2210

Offered by the School of Nursing, this course introduces mindfulness practices to facilitate coping with stress and greater engagement with life.

Fall 2018: Asian Religions and Spirituality in America — COLA 1500-029

Fall 2018: Asian Religions and Spirituality in America — COLA 1500-029

We will explore the originary links between Asia and America as Asian traditions arrive and then explore different case studies that enable us to trace different traditions’ fortunes in the American scene.

Fall 2018: Acting II — DRAM 3410

Fall 2018: Acting II — DRAM 3410

Acting II integrates mindful awareness with contemporary performance techniques in order to help actors better understand the motivations and behavior of characters in the theatre.

Fall 2018: Teaching Mindfulness in School — EDIS 5013 (Online Course)

Fall 2018: Teaching Mindfulness in School — EDIS 5013 (Online Course)

This course introduces the knowledge and skills teachers need to introduce mindful awareness practices to students in pre-K-12 school settings.

Fall 2018: Science and Technology in Social and Global Context — STS 2500

Fall 2018: Science and Technology in Social and Global Context — STS 2500

We will explore ways in which science can guide understanding of one’s self and our own impact on the world. From wearable tech to meditation, we will first utilize scientific methods for reflection, introspection and ultimately self-discovery.

Fall 2018: Second-Year Japanese I — JAPN 2010

Fall 2018: Second-Year Japanese I — JAPN 2010

As rigorous and challenging as our Japanese course curriculum can be, we, as a classroom community, care about each other’s well-being. We will practice how to be mindful and compassionate with ourselves, as well as others, and study how practicing mindfulness can affect your course of learning.   

Fall 2018: The Good Friend — COLA 1500-074

Fall 2018: The Good Friend — COLA 1500-074

We will explore the qualities needed to be a good friend in Eastern and Western philosophical contexts, and how developing those qualities can lead to wisdom and compassion.

Fall 2018: Buddhism — RELB 2100

Fall 2018: Buddhism — RELB 2100

The goal of the course Introduction to Buddhism is to enable students new to the study of Buddhism to do two things: enter into the ethos and worldview of Buddhism and think critically as a scholar about it.

Fall 2018: Finding Your Inner Compass — COLA 1500-060

Fall 2018: Finding Your Inner Compass — COLA 1500-060

This course is one of self-exploration. We will examine the power of habits and how they drive our decision-making.

Fall 2018: Life's a Stage: Performance Skills for Every Day — COLA 1500-043

Fall 2018: Life's a Stage: Performance Skills for Every Day — COLA 1500-043

This class explores the uses of acting skills in real world situations outside the fields of film and theatre.

Summer 2018

Summer 2018: Teaching Mindfulness in School - EDIS 5013 (Online Course)

Summer 2018: Teaching Mindfulness in School - EDIS 5013 (Online Course)

*This is a web-based course.

This course is designed to apply cutting-edge science to the pedagogy of teaching mindfulness in schools.

Spring 2018

Spring 2018: Meditation Peer Leadership - KINE 1050

Spring 2018: Meditation Peer Leadership - KINE 1050

This course will introduce students to mindfulness practices, and prepare you to instruct your peers in mindfulness meditation in settings like school, work, clubs, and sport.

Spring 2018: Spiritual But Not Religious: Spirituality in America - RELG 2660

Spring 2018: Spiritual But Not Religious: Spirituality in America - RELG 2660

We'll study everything from AA to yoga to Zen meditation, with stops in Christian rock, Beat poetry, Abstract Expressionist painting and more.

Spring 2016

Spring 2016: Cultivating Wisdom and Well-Being for Personal and Professional Growth - COMM 4831

Spring 2016: Cultivating Wisdom and Well-Being for Personal and Professional Growth - COMM 4831

Fall 2015

Fall 2015: Reflective and Creative Writing for Nurses: Give Voice to Your Experience

Fall 2015: Reflective and Creative Writing for Nurses: Give Voice to Your Experience

Sponsored by the Compassionate Care Initiative

Fall 2015: Theory and Practice of Yoga - RELH 2195

Fall 2015: Theory and Practice of Yoga - RELH 2195

An investigation of yoga practice throughout history from multiple disciplinary perspectives.

Fall 2015: Foundations of Nursing CARE - NUCO 2210

Fall 2015: Foundations of Nursing CARE - NUCO 2210

CARE includes a focus on Compassion, Awareness of self and cultural variance, Resilience, and Effective communication for interprofessional teams.

Fall 2015: Tibetan Buddhist Philosophy - RELB 3408

Fall 2015: Tibetan Buddhist Philosophy - RELB 3408

Tibet possesses one of the great Buddhist philosophical traditions in the world. 

Fall 2015: Learn to Groove - MUSI 2430

Fall 2015: Learn to Groove - MUSI 2430

This is a hand drumming class open to all students including music majors.

Fa11 2015 Introduction to Drawing 1 - ARTS 2610

Fa11 2015 Introduction to Drawing 1 - ARTS 2610

Drawing class with contemplative practices.

Fall 2015: Introduction to Mindfulness Practice - ELA 1559

Fall 2015: Introduction to Mindfulness Practice - ELA 1559

 Introduction to mindfulness practices to facilitate coping with stress and greater engagement with life.

Fall 2015: Seminar in Ethical Values - LAW 9098

Fall 2015: Seminar in Ethical Values - LAW 9098

This seminar will examine “mindfulness” (or “contemplative”) practices both as a cultural phenomenon and as a set of practical tools to promote professional and personal development for lawyers. 

Spring 2015

Spring 2015: Mindfulness and Compassion: Living Fully Personally and Professionally – NUIP 3030

Spring 2015: Mindfulness and Compassion: Living Fully Personally and Professionally – NUIP 3030

This elective course provides an in-depth and rich experience in contemplative practices including secular mindfulness and compassion practices

Fall 2014

Fall 2014: Reading and Meditation

Fall 2014: Reading and Meditation

This course, while considering many representations of meditation, will concentrate on the relations among meditation, reading, and writing. 

Fall 2014: Foundations in Mindfulness Practice - NURS 4559

Fall 2014: Foundations in Mindfulness Practice - NURS 4559

This introductory course provides an introduction to mindfulness practices to facilitate coping with stress and greater engagement with life. 

Fall 2014: Learn to Groove - MUSI 2340

Fall 2014: Learn to Groove - MUSI 2340

This is a hands on drumming/percussion class using congas, djembes, claves, shakers, etc.

Fall 2014: Research and Theory on Contemplative Curricula and Interventions for Children and Youth - EDIS 8500

Fall 2014: Research and Theory on Contemplative Curricula and Interventions for Children and Youth - EDIS 8500

This seminar will review current research and theory on contemplative programs and interventions for children and youth in educational and clinical settings 

Fall 2014: Seminar in Ethical Values

Fall 2014: Seminar in Ethical Values

This seminar will examine “mindfulness” (or “contemplative”) practices both as a cultural phenomenon and as a set of practical tools to promote professional and personal development for lawyers.

Summer 2014

Summer 2014: Buddhism - RELB 2100

Summer 2014: Buddhism - RELB 2100

In this course “Buddhism,” we will survey the history of Buddhism in South and Southeast Asia, Tibet, East Asia, and the West. We will reflect on how major Buddhist spiritual practices, such as meditation and the pursuit of enlightenment, developed and are still developing in those different cultural backgrounds.

Spring 2014

Summer 2014: Shamanism in the New Age - ISSS 4800

Summer 2014: Shamanism in the New Age - ISSS 4800

Explores how elements of wisdom are carried in the healing, shamanic traditions of the wounded. Explores how we can collectively respond to violence in constructive ways on community and global issues.

Summer 2014: Theory and Practice of Yoga - RELG 2195

Summer 2014: Theory and Practice of Yoga - RELG 2195

An investigation of yoga practice throughout history from multiple disciplinary perspectives. 

Winter 2014 - Mindful Writing

Winter 2014 - Mindful Writing

Mindful writing uses mindfulness to access the inner voice that we all have, which leads to the authentic self. We will explore how to integrate mindfulness not only into our writing practice but also in to our own deepening relationship with the creative process in general. Several meditation techniques and avenues of mindfulness will be utilized as we learn to write from a place of grounding, to integrate sense awareness into our process, and to trust in words that arise from a place other than the intellect.

Spring 2014: Comparing Contemplative Traditions: Yoga, Mysticism, and Meditation - NCTH 106

Spring 2014: Comparing Contemplative Traditions: Yoga, Mysticism, and Meditation - NCTH 106

Human beings have sought spiritual experiences since before recorded history with the result that contemplative traditions have arisen all over the globe. In this course students examine accounts of spiritual awakening and the development of the mystical life in Hinduism, Buddhism, and Christianity. While tracing the maps of the spiritual life created by these religious communities, students work out a comparative perspective on human spirituality. By considering the philosophical and theological controversies raised by mysticism and by practicing some contemplative techniques, participants increase their understanding of different dimensions of mysticism.

Spring 2013: Mindfulness and Compassion: Living Fully Personally and Professionally - NUIP 3030 & RELB 3559

Spring 2013: Mindfulness and Compassion: Living Fully Personally and Professionally - NUIP 3030 & RELB 3559

This course provides an in-depth experience in contemplative practices to prepare students to live more fully, be more engaged and compassionate citizens and professionals.

Spring 2014: Introduction to Mindfulness - PHYE 1000

Spring 2014: Introduction to Mindfulness - PHYE 1000

Mindfulness practice is bringing full, non-judgmental attention to what is happening in the present moment. Classes include instruction in four core practices: body scan, mindful yoga, sitting, and walking meditation. The practical application of mindfulness in mind-body awareness, health maintenance, mindful eating, stress reduction, and communication will be explored through exercises & group discussion.

J-Term 2014

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