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Reflective Writing
People sitting around a table in the Commons courtyard holding a pensive discussion

This drop-in session offers a reflective writing prompt for you to journal about and the time and space to write. Take the prompt to go or sit in the Commons and write with us! 

  • Light movement (sitting, standing); no experience necessary; equipment provided 
  • Fridays, 11:30am-1:00pm
  • Location: 3rd Floor Lobby East
  • Instructor: CCSA students (various), CSC staff (various), guests 

This is a screen-free/technology-free program.

11:30am - 1pm
Except for Oct 25, Nov 29.
Target Audience
For UVA students
Contemplative Commons Lobby 3 East

403 Emmet St South
Charlottesville, VA 22903
United States

(434) 982-6057

This event has passed. To see a list of our current events, see our events page.