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Research Opportunities

The Contemplative Sciences Center advances transdisciplinary research on contemplative practices and experiences to enhance human wellbeing. At the CIRCL: Contemplative Innovation + Research Co-Lab, we study how diverse contemplative practices and emergent experiences work in human bodies and minds, cultures and ecologies, and intersubjectively. We invite collaboration for research in the humanities, sciences, social sciences, arts, and technology to generate novel solutions to personal, social, and global challenges. We also publish research through the Journal of Contemplative Studies. 
Visit our RESEARCH page to learn more.

Classroom Visits

Staff from the Contemplative Sciences Center can visit your classroom to facilitate conversations, activities, and practices focused around contemplation. With sufficient planning, we can co-create a curriculum tailored to your course such as mindfulness for stress reduction. To reach out, email with "request classroom visit" in subject line.

Opportunities for Your Students

CSC offers three distinct ways for UVA students to engage with contemplative programming. The Contemplative Commons Student Advisors (CCSA) help bring the building to life for fellow students with vibrant student programming; Citizen Leaders Fellows program addresses challenges and injustices within communities at UVA; and CSC student employees support the work of each team within the Center as well as the functioning of the Contemplative Commons. Learn more about these paid and unpaid opportunities on our Student Opportunities page or check out our Student Hub page!


CSC offers an array of regular programming for the UVA and local communities including drop-in contemplative classes, talk series, research activities, as well as special events and other curated opportunities. You can find these offerings on our events page.

Contemplative Teaching and Learning

What does contemplative teaching and learning look like across Grounds? What inspires and motivates us as contemplative teachers and learners? What moves and challenges our students? How can we work together to promote human flourishing in our classes, programs, and communities? 

Looking Forward

In Fall 2024 we piloted a roster of programming and academic classes as well as completing interactive art installations such as the NINFEO and the Conservatory, opportunities to experience contemplative environments of light and sound. We look forward to our public opening in early April 2025 when we will offer an even more robust schedule of activities including retreats, workshops, learning communities, and consultations for faculty interested in learning more about contemplative teaching and learning at UVA and beyond. Subscribe to the CSC newsletter to keep informed.